6 May 2009

Home Secretary Bans Michael Savage
(Open Letter)

"When injustice becomes law,
resistence becomes duty..."

Open Letter to the Home Secretary Jacqui Smith

Ms Smith,

I am absolutely astonished that you should choose to include Michael Savage on a list of people banned from this country, when you let in rapists, murderers, child traffickers, drug smugglers and terrorists wholesale every single day.

What you have done is reduce this country to a third world nation, where decent people are no longer safe and the rule of law has been perverted. People are far more likely to be locked up for trying to hold sensible discussion about immigration, or whether four year olds should learn about homosexuality, than for mugging an old lady, killing a child or raping a teenager.

This England has been ruined by you and your fellow traitors, all more concerned to grab more than your share from the public purse than make sensible decisions about taking care of the citizens of this country. Shame on you. Michael Savage would make a far better Home Secretary than any we have had to endure over the last few decades.

I hope this stupid decision of yours comes back to bite you.

Ted E. Bear

Sent by email to the Home Office on 6th May, 2009



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