28 February 2013
Why Does Anyone Need to Read About Celebrities?
by Ann Coulter
Feb 27, 2013
Having given up on trying to persuade Americans that taking guns away from law-abiding citizens will reduce the murder rate, Democrats have turned to their usual prohibitionary argument: "Why does anyone need (an assault weapon, a 30-round magazine, a semiautomatic, etc., etc.)?"
Phony conservative Joe Manchin, who won his U.S. Senate seat in West Virginia with an ad showing him shooting a gun, said, "I don't know anyone (who) needs 30 rounds in a clip."
CNN's Don Lemon, who does not fit the usual profile of the avid hunter and outdoorsman, demanded, "Who needs an assault rifle to go hunting?"
Fantasist Dan Rather said, "There is no need to have these high-powered assault weapons."
And prissy Brit Piers Morgan thought he'd hit on a real showstopper with, "I don't know why anyone needs an assault rifle." Of course, where he comes from, policemen carry wooden sticks.
Since when do Americans have to give the government an explanation for why they "need" something? If that's the test, I can think of a whole list of things I don't know why anyone needs.
I don't know why anyone needs to burn an American flag at a protest. The point could be made just as well verbally.
I don't know why anyone needs to read about the private lives of celebrities. Why can't we shut down the gossip rags?
I don't know why anyone needs to vote. One vote has never made a difference in any federal election.
I don't know why anyone needs to bicycle in a city.
I don't know why anyone needs to have anal sex at a bathhouse. I won't stop them, but I don't know why anyone needs to do that.
I don't know why anyone needs to go hiking in national parks, where they're constantly falling off cliffs, being buried in avalanches and getting lost -- all requiring taxpayer-funded rescue missions.
I don't know why Karen Finley needs to smear herself with chocolate while reading poems about "love." But not only do Democrats allow that, they made us pay for it through the National Endowment for the Arts.
In fact, I don't know why anyone needs to do any of the things that offend lots of people, especially when I have to pay for it. I don't mind paying for national monuments and the ballet, but if "need" is a legitimate argument, there's no end to the activities that can be banned, forget "not subsidized by Ann."
Democrats are willing to make gigantic exceptions to the "need" rule for things they happen to personally like. Their position is: "I don't know why anyone needs to hunt; on the other hand, I do see why your tax dollars should be used to subsidize partial-birth abortion, bicycle lanes and the ballet."
They'll say that no one died in my examples (except abortion) (and bicycling) (and bathhouses) (and national parks), but the victims of mass shootings weren't killed by gun owners. They were killed by crazy people.
How about keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people?
Liberals won't let us do that -- and yet they won't tell us why anyone needs to live on sidewalk grates, harass pedestrians and crap in his pants. Those are precious constitutional rights, straight from the pen of James Madison, and please stop asking questions.
"I don't see why anyone needs ..." is code for: "I don't do it, so let's ban it." The corollary is: "I enjoy this, so you have to subsidize it."
Environmentalists say: "I don't know why anyone needs to shower once a day -- my French friends and I take two showers per month. We think we smell fine."
That's the difference between a totalitarian and a normal person. Liberals are obsessed with controlling what other people do.
As Sen. Dianne Feinstein said this week, so-called "assault weapons" are a "personal pleasure" and "mothers and women" have to decide whether this personal pleasure "is more important than the general welfare."
The "general welfare" is every tyrant's excuse, going back to Robespierre and the guillotine. Free people are not in the habit of providing reasons why they "need" something simply because the government wants to ban it. That's true of anything -- but especially something the government is constitutionally prohibited from banning, like guns.
The question isn't whether we "need" guns. It's whether the government should have a monopoly on force.
In liberals' ideal world, no one will even know you don't have to wait 22 minutes for the police when someone breaks into your home, there are toilets that can get the job done on one flush, food tastes better with salt, and you can drive over 55 mph and get there faster.
Meanwhile, we're all required to subsidize their hobbies -- recycling, abortion, the "arts," bicycling, illegal alien workers, etc.
Liberals ought to think about acquiring a new hobby: leaving people alone.
25 February 2013
Muslims: Takers not makers
By Ian Bell
24th February, 2013
While the government is trying to slash £12 billion annually by targeting the handicapped, elderly and poor amongst our people do they have the will to tackle a group that is highly over represented above anyone else in welfare exploitation and cost to the public purse?
The Daily Telegraph reported in 2012 that 75% of all Muslim women are unemployed while 50% of all Muslim men are unemployed (67.5% total) - a staggering rise from 13% for men and 18% for women in 2004.
Muslims are also on sick leave more than anyone else, with 24% of females and 21% of males claiming a disability.
Muslims are the most likely among all religious groups to be living in accommodation rented from the council or housing association (28%); 4% live rent-free.
As if this is not enough, the total prison population in the UK amongst category A and B criminals (the worst crimes) now stands at 35-39% Muslim.
Britain is not alone: In Belgium the figure is 16% (12.8% Moroccans, 3.1% Turks).
French prisons have between 50% and 70% Muslims whilst in Norway the figure is over 30% and in Spain 70%. Not even Switzerland escapes, with 57.8% Muslims in Champ-Dollon prison alone.
“The connection between criminality and Islamism is very tight in Europe,” said Michael Radu, a terrorism analyst at the Foreign Policy Research Institute.
Since current statistics fail to clarify how many actually collect benefits and whether unemployment figures include those on disability and in prison, only an estimate can be made.
The indications are nevertheless shocking: that out of 5 million Muslims living in Britain (2012 unconfirmed estimate increased the population number from 3 million), roughly 4.25 million Muslims, or more than 85%, live off UK tax payers.
If we average this with a simple, quick calculation of the minimum benefit payment of £67 a week, at least £284,750,000 per week (£1.139 billion per month) is spent from UK taxpayer money on Muslims who barely contribute anything whatsoever to Britain’s revenues.
The calculation is not detailed enough to include housing benefits, childcare support, medical care and other coverage. We can estimate that only in unemployment support, Muslims cost the British government at least £ 13+ billion a year.
A more detailed calculation need to be made when there are clearer records at hand.
At present the government will not publish current, clear and defined numbers and we had to find them through different sources most of it coming from wikileaks.
Some older numbers are inaccurate and highly understated since data has shown that the Muslim population tend to double in less than a decade (in 7 years).
If the same population growth continues in a steady flow, by 2030 Britain will have a 40% Muslim population. Who will be generating the wealth for our economy if we continue to encourage takers instead of makers?
Medicare Can't Be Fixed or Saved
February 24, 2013
February 24, 2013
of millions of Americans are afraid of the truth. They want someone to
tell them everything is going to be okay. They want to believe the same
liars and thieves they keep reelecting who are responsible for the financial
mess we're drowning in will somehow come up with the magic bullet that
has eluded those same incumbents for decades. Reelect me - I'll save social
security and Medicare!
are scared because they have allowed themselves to be put in the position
of raw fear their social security check won't come in the mail first of
the month. That Ponzi scheme was doomed from the start. Contrary to the
endless repetition of the big lie about trust funds and lock boxes: Social
security is a tax that goes into the general fund of the U.S. Treasury
and is not ear marked for any specific spending purpose. That trust fund
is nothing but computer files backed by a debauched currency. As the dollar
continues to lose its purchasing power, that SS check will also continue
to lose its value no matter how many COLAs poltroons in the Outlaw Congress
throw your way. Scraps from the king's table to appease the peasants.
this column is about Medicare, people should understand the history behind
the social security taxing scheme. It made me gag when I began researching;
Machine Co. Collector - 301 U.S. 548 (1937). Indeed there were people
in the big cities starving because of the "Great" Depression
- a depression engineered by various foreign interests and the
banking cartels. The path taken by the Outlaw Congress since
the impostor president usurped the office is nearly identical to what
happened back then with "solutions" that turned into more disaster:
is NO law which requires anyone to apply for a Social Security Number.
Not infants, not adults. However, you will be taxed anyway to pay for
someone else's retirement even if you never get a SSN. It is the classic
definition of indentured servitude. Americans have been tricked into getting
that number longer than I've been alive when most
are not legally eligible to apply. That's right. More lies.
is the same only on a much bigger scale. And, like SS, it cannot be fixed
and it cannot be saved. Not unless mother government starts confiscating
your entire paycheck or raises taxes even higher so you have not a single
penny left at the end of the month after paying for a roof over your head,
gas, food and maybe shoes for the kiddies. THAT is the reality facing
this country.
I am fully aware of how afraid people are because they have become dependent
on Medicare. Too many want you to work to give them motorized scooters
and free blood pressure this or that. Seems to be okay with people, though.
After all, someday they might want one of those nifty scooters to get
around, so keep demanding more and more for those Ponzi schemes passed
off as "entitlement" programs.
only problem is those taxes you pay with a gun to your head no where near
cover the out put for Medicare. That's why Medicare is now an unpayable
$85.2 TRILLION dollars in liabilities. Those numbers will increase on
the liability side as millions more are forced into Medicare. On top of
that, we're all being raped in more taxes for the unconstitutional Obamacare
for other people's health coverage. And, don't forget, you get taxed at
the state level for Medicaid. Taxed to death.
TRILLION and increasing by the minute. Where do people think that "money"
is going to come from? More taxes taken out of your paycheck? Here's a
reality check. Let's back up a second and refer to some numbers I covered
in a piece by Carolyn Lochhead in 2004:
Ignore Impending U.S. Debt Disaster by Carolyn Lochhead
Kotlikoff, Economics Chairman at Boston University, who has written abundantly
on this subject, offers up a shocking response on how to close a $51 trillion
dollar fiscal gap: "To give you idea how big the problem is, you'd
have to have an immediate and permanent 78 percent hike in the federal
income tax." More than double the payroll tax, immediately and forever,
from 15.3 percent of wages to nearly 32 percent; Raise income taxes by
two thirds (roughly 78%), immediately and forever; Cut Social Security
and Medicare benefits by 45 percent, immediately and forever;"
Ms. Lochhead wrote that column in September 2004, the national debt
created by Congress demanded by voters was $7.3 TRILLION
dollars. Today it is $16.5 TRILLION dollars with roughly 25 MILLION unemployed
Americans who make no "contributions" - taxes.
that $51 TRILLION dollar fiscal "gap" is $122.7 TRILLION dollars.
SS, Medicare and, oh, did you forget the liabilities created by Bush,
Jr. and the Republican controlled Congress for "free prescription
drugs"? That program is now $21.4 TRILLION in liabilities. YOUR bill
for that debt: $1.1 MILLION dollars. YOUR bill for the national debt:
$146,573.00 and climbing on top of the $1.1 million.
children and grand children will inherit an even bigger tab because the
American people have begged the thieves to give them more. Fix the programs,
but don't cut my benefits! The American people, really, have begged for
their own destruction.
We are
now at the tipping point where the takers almost outnumber the producers.
Millions through no fault of their own because of the economy destroyed
by the same incumbents who get elected over and over and millions who
demand the fruits of your labor. The situation will deteriorate no matter
how much BS is dished out by politicians who want to "save SS and
Medicare for future generations."
and Medicare Enrollees Now Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers:
"In 2011, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS), there were 70.4 million people who enrolled in Medicaid for at
least one month. There were also 48.849 million people enrolled in Medicare.
That gave Medicaid and Medicare a gross combined enrollment of 119.249
million in 2011." No telling how many are illegal aliens.
impostor in the White House and scum like Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer
and Harry Reid will continue telling illegal aliens they care about them
when in fact they nothing about them. Only about making sure they register
as Democrats because they promise to steal from you to give to those who
feel you and I ow them. Controlling the lives of millions, making them
dependent instead of independent and self-reliant.
also believe this push to give amnesty to another 11 MILLION, which will
end up being twice as high, is to get them sucked into the two giant Ponzi
taxing schemes called Social Security and Medicare. Two programs that
are nearly $90 TRILLION in unpaid mandates.
the 54.4 MILLION murdered babies in the womb who would have been forced
to contribute to those taxing schemes if they had been allowed to live,
and their children forced into those toxic systems, millions and millions
more are now needed to stem the eventual collapse. Give 11 million plus
illegals amnesty and force them into those Ponzi schemes."
As people
are living longer, the social security Ponzi and Medicare schemes cannot
be sustained. Oh, there's plenty of talk and fighting between the two
"main" parties as if it means anything. The Republican and Democratic
parties are nothing more than two wings on the same bird of prey:
argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies,
one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea
acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the
two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can
"throw the rascals out" at any election without leading to any
profound or extreme shifts in policy." Bill Clinton's mentor, Carrol
Quigley, Tragedy and Hope
unconstitutional Obamacare has death panels. Even though they have no
jurisdiction nor can the General Government dictate what doctors can and
cannot do for their patients, the stinking Marxist in the Red House and
the parasites who back him up (think Kathleen Sebelius) are in full force
trying to implement every section of that "law":
rid of the useless eaters. A conspiracy theory? Not hardly when you've
done as much research as many of us have trying to warn our fellow Americans.
is a monster program that has NEVER run efficiently and has been crippled
by fraud from day one. So called Americans who cheat the system as a way
of life:
Fraud: 91 People, Including Doctors And Nurses, Charged In False Billing
• FBI raids The Scooter Store headquarters and question executives as company is being probed for $100M Medicare fraud
• DOJ Convicts 8 People Of $50 Million Medicare Fraud
• FBI raids The Scooter Store headquarters and question executives as company is being probed for $100M Medicare fraud
• DOJ Convicts 8 People Of $50 Million Medicare Fraud
Estimates $44 Billion in Improper Medicare Payments - That is only
for 2012. It goes on decade after decade. It hasn't mattered one iota
how many raids or congressional committee hearings have been held over
the decades. That program is ripe for fraud, decade after decade. Sure,
some might be recovered, but at more cost to you, me, our children and
grand children in borrowed debt: the cost of investigations, prosecution
and incarceration.
are forced into Medicare even when you have your own insurance. Millionaires
who don't want Medicare are forced with a gun to their head into the system:
(AP) — "The Supreme Court has turned away a challenge from
former House Majority Leader Dick Armey and other Social Security recipients
who say they have the right to reject Medicare in favor of continuing
health coverage from private insurers. The justices did not comment Monday
in letting stand a federal appeals court ruling that held that there is
no way for people who receive Social Security to reject Medicare benefits.
Armey, a Texas Republican, and two other former federal employees say
private insurance covers more than Medicare. Two other plaintiffs are
wealthy individuals who have high deductible private insurance and prefer
to pay for their health care."
see what the lunatics the American people keep reelecting have done? A
system in the hole $85.2 TRILLION dollars, yet those who can afford their
own health insurance, thereby decreasing the debt, cannot refuse
Medicare or they will lose their social security:
having paid thousands of dollars each in Social Security and Medicare
taxes during their working lives—for which they never sought reimbursement—the
five plaintiffs were told by officials at the Social Security Administration
and Department of Health and Human Services that they had to forfeit all
of their Social Security benefits if they wished to withdraw from (or
not enroll in) Medicare. This determination resulted from internal policies
that were put in place during the Clinton administration and strengthened
by the Bush administration. The plaintiffs sought a judicial ruling that
would prohibit SSA and HHS from enforcing these policies, which they believed
conflicted with the Social Security and Medicare statutes. A sharply divided
U.S Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit eventually upheld them. By its
decision not to hear the case, the Supreme Court let that controversial
ruling stand."
I don't
want Medicare and neither do a whole lot of Americans. I pay my own health
insurance. Can people begin to fully understand the horrific mess your
incumbent and mine in the Outlaw Congress have created? Can people begin
to fully understand those two taxing schemes along with the "free
prescription drugs" cannot be sustained? They cannot be fixed because
there isn't enough money to fix them no matter how many illegal aliens
are given amnesty.
are desperately watching and screaming at their Congress critter not to
cut those programs. I understand the desperation and fear. But, can those
same folks not see all of the above? Can those same folks not understand
they have doomed their children and grand children to a life of financial
bondage to pay for their medical treatment? Is this what YOU want for
your children and grand children?
going to happen?
and more of your hard earned paycheck will be stolen from you for unsustainable
programs that many Americans do not want to be part of, yet they are forced
with the IRS' gun to their head to fund.
the think tanks in the country can yap about private SS accounts and other
"solutions", but they are no solutions. Not when Americans are
forced into VOLUNTARY taxing schemes by lies and deception. No one is
required to get a SSN to live or work in this country, but if you don't,
you are taxed anyway with a gun to your head.
No one
is required to enroll in Medicare, but you will be taxed anyway with a
gun to your head whether or not you ever enroll. If you do apply for SS
benefits, you will then be forced into Medicare even if you can afford
your own health insurance or lose SS benefits even though you were forced
with a gun to your head to pay those taxes all your working years.
American people have continued to reelect the same SOBs who destroyed
the greatest health care delivery system in the world starting
back in 1973 with the HMO Act. Instead of addressing that disaster
and getting government out of medical care for which they have no constitutional
authority, Americans continue to reelect the same scoundrels who have
made an even bigger mess affecting nearly 100 million people. .
we're all paying the price. I predict the worst for both programs because
there isn't enough money to fund them either at current levels or even
with a few billion dollars in cuts. Not when the program is carrying $85.2
TRILLION in liabilities just for Medicare. Back on August 10, 2009, in
a column, I cited Medicare's liabilities
at that time: $34 TRILLION. In just four years, Medicare's liabilities
have increased a whopping $51 TRILLION dollars. Can people not see what's
down the road five years unless a few million useless eaters get on their
way sooner rather than later?
Americans are hoarding what little they have left at the end of the month,
which is not good for the economy. They know what I've written above is
true and it scares them as it should scare everyone regardless of which
"party" you belong to or don't belong.
I told
people the truth about SS and Medicare when I ran for Congress back in
the early 90s. Even though I was told not to because those two programs
are the "sacred cows" of politics, I believe every American
has the right to know the truth so they can make informed decisions and
plans for the future. Our future, our pursuit of life, liberty and happiness
has been destroyed by Democrats and Republicrats in the U.S. Congress
for the past 100 years. Starting with the non-ratified Sixteenth and Seventeenth
Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and the Federal Reserve Banking Act
(all three in 1913), followed by the social security taxing scheme and
then LBJ's "great society" (Medicare) to fast track America's
downfall into socialism and then full blown communism.
bickering between the two parties in the Outlaw Congress will continue
while those two programs go further into debt, while beneficiaries of
those programs demand no cuts. You see? It's a no-win situation that is
not going to have a good outcome.
As I
said, we passed the point of no return a long, long time ago. Instead
of implementing constitutional solutions instead of pushing socialism,
the opposite road has been taken.
[ed. Probably meant to write there: "Instead of pushing constitutional solutions, the opposite road has been taken, they have been pushing socialism instead...]
[ed. Probably meant to write there: "Instead of pushing constitutional solutions, the opposite road has been taken, they have been pushing socialism instead...]
24 February 2013
Britain’s Liberal Death Wish
by Paul Weston
From the seemingly trivial, like the renaming of Sandhurst’s Mons Hall to the King Hamad Hall in exchange for a pimped mess of Bahraini pottage, to matters of supreme importance, Britain appears to have submitted to Islam. The double standards involved when it comes to protecting Muslims or prosecuting/persecuting non-Muslims are on stark display for all but the most ideologically blinkered to see. Britain is now a country which has lost its collective sanity.
Events over the last few weeks bear testament to this. One such apparently trivial issue is that of the dinner lady sacked for mistakenly serving non-halal food to Muslim students at a multi-faith school in Birmingham. The school in question is majority Muslim, but despite proclaiming its multi-faith credentials there seems little respect for the requirements of non-Muslims, all of whom are expected to eat halal meat whether they like it or not.
The total intransigence of mono-cultural Islam and the total capitulation to it by multicultural Britain could lead to only one thing when Muslim children were enriched in error by imbibing the vibrant diversity of infidel food. The local council and the headmaster have been forced to apologise, the dinner-lady has been sacked for failing to conform to sharia law, and still the Muslim parents seek further retribution, with one Muslim spokesman saying“It could not just be the error or one lady, there must be people at the top responsible too who also need to be sacked. It is an insult to our faith.”
Being a Muslim must be rather pleasant in some ways. Their ability to look at the world through the insular lens of supremacist Islam is startling to those reared on a diet of multiculturalism who try so hard to accept, adopt and conform to all religions and cultures save their own. How the liberal/left mentally survive the cranial confusion this causes is quite beyond me, but I suppose there is little evidence to suggest their mental balance is anything other than unstable.
But it is not just Islam which views itself as a supremacist ideology. The British police appear to be in awe of it as well. A recent story about anti-Muslim harassment in Bingham, Nottinghamshire, would appear to confirm this when Mr Murad Alam and his family were subjected to a rather unsavoury campaign against them. A cross wrapped in ham was left propped against their front door, they were shouted at in the street and one of the sons had smoke blown into his face by “an elderly local gentleman.”
All in all most unpleasant, but the reaction of the police to this was as though they still considered their primary job to be that of genuine law enforcement, not something usually associated with them when non-Muslims complain about Muslim harassment. Mr Alam described their multicultural zeal thus: “Nottinghamshire Police fitted secret cameras, security lighting and after the graffiti, they were literally parked at the end of the alley for days, 24/7.”
The BBC dutifully reported on this and thoughtfully included a link at the end of their articleto the BBC Asian Network which was all set to interview Mr Alam about his unfortunate experiences. The BBC also included another link to an outfit called Tell Mama — where Mama is an abbreviation for Monitoring Anti-Muslim Attacks, which describes its role as follows:
“The TELL MAMA project is inspired by a need expressed by Muslim communities in the UK. The community support requirements for Muslim communities do extend to the need for support for the victims of anti-Muslim incidents in England and for the collection and mapping of anti-Muslim incidents in the country.”
All well and good, in fact highly admirable. It’s just the sort of reaction from the police, the BBC and anti-racist pressure groups I would like to see directed toward all victimised faiths, races and communities, but sadly this is no longer the case. Consider the somewhat more serious issue of young and vulnerable native British girls who had been murdered, gang raped, drugged, groomed and abused for decades by Muslim males whilst the police and the BBC turned a blind eye in the interest of “community cohesion” — which is multicultural shorthand for Thou Shalt Not Criticise Islam.
Whilst having smoke blown into your face by elderly local gentlemen in Nottinghamshire must indeed be a harrowing experience for any self-respecting young Muslim male, it is not really on a par with the quite unbelievable abuse meted out to underage girls in Oxford by Muslim gang rapists Kamar Jamil, Akhtar Dogar, Anjun Dogar, Assad Hussain, Mohammed Karrar, Bassan A Karra and Mohammed T Hussain. The Daily Mail reported some of the following inhumane (by Christian standards) behaviour of these men:
One victim became pregnant by one of her attackers when she was 11 or 12. When gang member Mohammed Karrar discovered she was pregnant he used an instrument to perform an abortion on her…the attackers used knives, meat cleavers and baseball bats to inflict severe pain on the girls for their twisted pleasure…. the girls were bitten, scratched, suffocated, tied up, beaten and burnt with cigarettes.
The men are said to have fed the girls copious amounts of drugs so that they became more complicit to their depraved demands….men would travel to Oxford ‘often by appointment’ from as far afield as Bradford, Leeds, London and Slough ‘specifically to abuse young girls’ in hotels and private houses. Sometimes the girls were taken to towns and cities such as London and Bournemouth where they were sold for sex.
These men also subjected them to ‘humiliating and degrading’ levels of abuse, leaving the girls with severe internal injuries….the gang often stood guard outside a room while girls were being abused and threatened to kill them and their families if they tried to escape…it took almost half an hour for all the charges to be read to the jury. The trial heard how there were many more alleged abusers in addition to those in the dock.
Now, the first thing to ask is: how on earth this sort of thing could be taking place in gentle old England, which has turned into a country I am thoroughly ashamed of?
And the second question is: how did this happen to one of the girls who was supposedly underpolice protection at the time?
The answer of course is that the police knew all about it, but senior officers were only too aware that to actually do something about it would bring accusations of racism, which would be detrimental to their career prospects. Local newspapers also knew what was going on, but the BBC, usually so quick to highlight inequality and racial violence, were too busy promoting stories bashing the EDL and other such organisations which had the racial temerity to complain about Muslim rapists.
The Oxford Police, who allow girls to be racially and sexually abused under their watchful eye, are part of the Thames Valley Police. I took a look at their website in order to try to understand their warped mentality, and unsurprisingly discovered the usual liberal/left policies which have wreaked such awful havoc within our once decent police force.
The Chief Constable is one Ms Sarah Thornton CBE, who has a Master of Studies degree (MSt) in Applied Criminology and Police Management from Cambridge University….yes, I know, I know. Her Thames Valley Police website has a section on Special Operations which I thought might include details of at least a couple of coppers tasked with investigating mass Muslim rape, but my thought was in vain.
Their Safer Streets (a sub-menu of Special Operations) makes no reference to taking due care and attention if you are an eleven year old child offered alcopops by a heavily bearded middle aged man in funny clothes, but they do have an interesting section on Stop and Search which rather sums up their attitude toward the favoured non-white minorities:
“In certain areas throughout England and Wales there are disproportianate (sic) amounts of Black and Asian people than White people stopped and searched. For officers within Thames Valley, their concerns are around the lawfulness of the search and the necessity of the search, and this is weighed against the impact upon the community.”
What this garbled liberal Newspeak means is that favoured classes can break the law with impunity if the police think that by actually enforcing the law, the “community” might then behave in a manner which could impinge upon the policemen’s career prospects. Which goes some way toward explaining their wilful blindness apropos the Muslim mass rape epidemic carried out on their watch.
Having ascertained that the well being of white girls was of a somewhat low priority for the Oxford police, it occurred to me that looking at their Safer Streets section was a mistake, considering the Muslim rapists exhibited both racial and religious and bias, so I took a look at their Equality and Diversity section instead.
Oh dear. The sheer insanity of their liberal guff was overwhelming. Here are a few choice bits:
At Thames Valley Police we are committed to delivering a high quality service to all members of our communities, irrespective of age, disability, gender, race, religion, belief or sexual orientation. We serve a large and diverse community in the Thames Valley, and it is absolutely vital that our officers and staff are able to engage with different sections of our community and deliver a police service that is truly citizen-focused.
We warmly welcome people into Thames Valley Police from black and minority ethnic groups. Recruiting people from black and minority ethnic groups is a high priority for the Force. We strive to be an employer of choice for all sections of the community.
We recognise that having a diverse organisation makes us more approachable and relevant to our communities. There are many ethnic groups across Thames Valley and it is important that we reflect the diversity of the communities that we serve and represent the six strands of diversity.
Community and Diversity officers (CaDOs) build links with the diverse communities in Thames Valley. They also address issues affecting those communities and advise the Force if there are community tensions in order that they can be resolved as soon as possible. CaDOs can advise you on the nine strands of diversity: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex (gender), and sexual orientation.
What do CaDOs do? Their role includes: Identifying communities who are at risk of discrimination and victimisation…understanding the fabric of individual communities…actively engaging with vulnerable communities…providing reassurance and promoting community cohesion…work to improve the treatment and consideration given to minority group.
Valuing a person’s religion is important to Thames Valley Police and religious hatred or discrimination is not tolerated. Religion is recognised as one our ‘six strands of diversity’. The Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 makes inciting others to religious hatred a criminal offence. Under the Act the criminal act of inciting others to religious hatred could be committed by the use of words or behaviour or display of written material…publishing or distributing written material… Possessing ‘inflammatory’ written or recorded material with a view to display, publish or distribute…
I am sitting here in a bit of daze now, typing only when I am not holding my head in my hands. I have to keep reminding myself that this is not some dystopian science fiction film being played out in my mind, it is real, it is happening, and God help me, it is happening in Britain.
What these mangled, perverse and utterly lunatic excerpts penned by the Thames Valley Police are actually saying is quite clear — ethnic minorities are a favoured class and any whites who protest about this, either in written or verbal form, will be prosecuted for inciting racial or religious crime. And this is why our girls could be murdered and raped for decades until street movements like the EDL highlighted what was happening to such an extent that the police had no option but to deal with it, albeit reluctantly.
So this is Britain in 2013. The quite literal insanity that has taken over the British police is prevalent in all our institutions which have been subverted by the liberal/left. The church, the unions, the EU, the civil service, the teaching unions and teacher training, the mainstream media, local councils and indeed all political people of all mainstream political parties — they are all singing from the same Marxist-corrupted hymn sheet.
Pick up a newspaper or watch the TV news and view the endless retinue of Muslim violence around the world. Most of it is directed toward non-Muslims, but it also includes the ancient blood feud between the Sunni and Shia sects of Islam, carried out in places like Syria and bankrolled by the monstrous regime in Saudi Arabia.
European Islam is demographically booming whilst Europe’s native population is in decline. The British liberal elite have already prostrated themselves before Islam, because quite frankly it frightens the life out of them. As the years roll by and the Muslim population doubles every decade we can only look forward to more threats, more violence and more abuse from Islam and an ever increasing level of base appeasement from our ruling liberal/left elites.
One hundred years ago Europe was on the brink of earth-shattering events, starting with World War One in 1914. From that cataclysm were born Communism and Nazism and the murderous deaths of hundreds of millions of people. If history, the nature of man and tribal/religious wars are an accepted reality, and the notion of some fuzzy multicultural utopia where the lamb lies down with Islam an absolute fantasy, then the 21st-century West is in deep, deep trouble and needs to be defended with the utmost urgency.
Needless to say, a country that sacks dinner ladies for serving non-halal food and pulls out all the stops when a Muslim family suffers some minor harassment, but whose police force indulges itself in multiculti psycho-babble quackery whilst ignoring the murder and rape of its own children lest the Muslim community suffers a cohesion setback, is not a country with survival at the forefront of its mind. Just what will it take to make the liberal/left see the calamitous error it is making with regard to Islam, and what will it take to make Middle England stop watching X Factor and start thinking about their children’s future?
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