9 May 2009
The modern [politician] is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness..."
Plenty of column inches have been devoted to this subject and rightly so. It is a huge scandal and should go on for a lot longer yet.
The sheer audacity that these politicians have when it comes to using our taxes. Claiming expenses on everything from taps, bathrobes and kitchens to rent, repairs and redecorations. We are well and truly run by an unremorseful Kleptocracy.
Kudos must of course go to the UK Daily Telegraph which began printing MP’s expenses. Highlighting government waste and fraud is what good journalism is and always should be about. The Daily Telegraph resisted efforts by many to suppress the publication of names and expenses until later on in the year, when it would have been released in a more sanitised version wherein key information would possibly have been blanked out.
Let’s make no mistake about it, it IS fraud and the police should be investigating it to the fullest extent of the law. It is of such a serious nature that it should even bring down the Government, having abrogated the moral high ground with their thievery. Unfortunately, it is not just Labour MPs who are caught up in this whole shameful episode, Tory MPs have remained disgracefully silent knowing their turn will come whilst Labour MPs, already named in the leaks, have the sheer gall to suggest that the Daily Telegraph and its journalists should be investigated.
Politicians, including prominent cabinet members, have also lined up to say they have not broken the rules – of course they haven’t when it is they who make the rules to suit themselves. This is a real life case of the fox promising to guard the chickens. The trouble, of course, is that the existence of a rule or law doesn’t make it just or acceptable. It doesn’t make it right to squander hard earned taxpayers money at a whim and then justify it by the same circular logic on the basis that it is a rule.
This attitude is particularly nauseating at a time when the National Debt is at an all time high and ordinary citizens are told to “tighten their belts”. I wholeheartedly agree with the idea that those involved should be made to pay back the money – they should also be sacked and forfeit their pensions pending criminal prosecution.
Some have suggested an expenses card for MPs, which may work but, consider that politicians already get a decent wage by virtue of continually giving themselves pay rises, then why do they need expenses at all, other than for fair lodgings and travel? Consider also that politicians once out of politics get a very nice pension and on top of that have the ability to work, often in lucrative directorships, whilst getting it, a circumstance not applicable to most of the rest of society. Forgive my quaint way of thinking, but politics should not be about “getting rich”, it should be about service to the country. Ordinary citizens cannot and should not be allowed to get away with larceny and fraud at their place of work, so why should politicians?
The Queen, I believe, must do the right thing now and dissolve Parliament, owing to the fact that the population has lost all confidence in their elected representatives and a general election is the only way to restore it.
Should that happen we should kick the morally bankrupt cronies of the Labour Party out, by all means, but the problem is we will vote in the Conservatives and be in same situation in 5 or 10 years time, if not sooner, begging the Labour party to save us from their sleaze, corruption, fraud and mismanagement!
One wonders to what extent it goes on in our local and county councils where establishment parties swap leadership roles on a regular basis and nothing ever changes.
So, will we ever learn?
7 May 2009
'Eaten Alive': Mice Chew War Vet's Head
Source: Yahoo News
An 89-year-old war veteran has been found covered in blood after mice chewed his head at an Australian nursing home.
The man was discovered in a state of distress at the state government-run nursing home in south west Queensland.
Local MP Ray Hopper likened the situation to the Third World.
"I'm told by the elderly man's daughter that the poor old fellow had been trying to brush the mice away as they continued chewing his ears, head and neck," he said.
"He was so stressed that doctors put him on morphine to calm him down. He nearly died on Saturday night. He was being eaten alive."
The attack came to light when the man's daughter complained to the MP.
Queensland's Health Minister Paul Lucas has apologised to the victim and his family, and offered to relocate other residents of the facility.
The man's daughter said her father was unaware the mice attack took place.
"Because of his age, he's bed-ridden and he has limited communication ability," she said.
The woman told of her disbelief after seeing the injuries on Sunday. "It wasn't just a little nip. It wasn't nice at all," she said.
She added how her family still had complete faith in the nursing home staff, who have had a close relationship with the man during his two years there.
But Australia's Ageing Minister Justine Elliot has ordered an investigation into the procedures and processes at the home in Dalby, 130 miles west of Brisbane.
Karingal Nursing Home, an 80-bed facility with 22 residents over the age of 90, cannot operate without accreditation.
Extra staff and pest control contractors have been called in to deal with the vermin, a Queensland Health spokeswoman said.
An 89-year-old war veteran has been found covered in blood after mice chewed his head at an Australian nursing home.
The man was discovered in a state of distress at the state government-run nursing home in south west Queensland.
Local MP Ray Hopper likened the situation to the Third World.
"I'm told by the elderly man's daughter that the poor old fellow had been trying to brush the mice away as they continued chewing his ears, head and neck," he said.
"He was so stressed that doctors put him on morphine to calm him down. He nearly died on Saturday night. He was being eaten alive."
The attack came to light when the man's daughter complained to the MP.
Queensland's Health Minister Paul Lucas has apologised to the victim and his family, and offered to relocate other residents of the facility.
The man's daughter said her father was unaware the mice attack took place.
"Because of his age, he's bed-ridden and he has limited communication ability," she said.
The woman told of her disbelief after seeing the injuries on Sunday. "It wasn't just a little nip. It wasn't nice at all," she said.
She added how her family still had complete faith in the nursing home staff, who have had a close relationship with the man during his two years there.
But Australia's Ageing Minister Justine Elliot has ordered an investigation into the procedures and processes at the home in Dalby, 130 miles west of Brisbane.
Karingal Nursing Home, an 80-bed facility with 22 residents over the age of 90, cannot operate without accreditation.
Extra staff and pest control contractors have been called in to deal with the vermin, a Queensland Health spokeswoman said.
6 May 2009
Home Secretary Bans Michael Savage
(Open Letter)
"When injustice becomes law,
resistence becomes duty..."
Open Letter to the Home Secretary Jacqui Smith
Ms Smith,
I am absolutely astonished that you should choose to include Michael Savage on a list of people banned from this country, when you let in rapists, murderers, child traffickers, drug smugglers and terrorists wholesale every single day.
What you have done is reduce this country to a third world nation, where decent people are no longer safe and the rule of law has been perverted. People are far more likely to be locked up for trying to hold sensible discussion about immigration, or whether four year olds should learn about homosexuality, than for mugging an old lady, killing a child or raping a teenager.
This England has been ruined by you and your fellow traitors, all more concerned to grab more than your share from the public purse than make sensible decisions about taking care of the citizens of this country. Shame on you. Michael Savage would make a far better Home Secretary than any we have had to endure over the last few decades.
I hope this stupid decision of yours comes back to bite you.
Ted E. Bear
Sent by email to the Home Office on 6th May, 2009
resistence becomes duty..."
Open Letter to the Home Secretary Jacqui Smith
Ms Smith,
I am absolutely astonished that you should choose to include Michael Savage on a list of people banned from this country, when you let in rapists, murderers, child traffickers, drug smugglers and terrorists wholesale every single day.
What you have done is reduce this country to a third world nation, where decent people are no longer safe and the rule of law has been perverted. People are far more likely to be locked up for trying to hold sensible discussion about immigration, or whether four year olds should learn about homosexuality, than for mugging an old lady, killing a child or raping a teenager.
This England has been ruined by you and your fellow traitors, all more concerned to grab more than your share from the public purse than make sensible decisions about taking care of the citizens of this country. Shame on you. Michael Savage would make a far better Home Secretary than any we have had to endure over the last few decades.
I hope this stupid decision of yours comes back to bite you.
Ted E. Bear
Sent by email to the Home Office on 6th May, 2009
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