The Obama administration is an alphabet soup of disaster, scandal, stupidity, corruption and meglomania.
# is for 1-2-3 technologies
A is for Acorn - Amnesty - Agenda 21 - ATF - AKPD - Abound Solar - "Al Qaeda on the run" - Afghanistan (73% casualties under Obama)
B is for Benghazi - Black Panthers - Black List - Budgets - Blagovich - Birth Certificate Secrecy - Bin Laden Death - Bowing to foreign HoS - Bill Ayers
C is for Candy Crowley - Climate Change Exec Order - Community Organizer - CAIR - Common Core - Congressional Exemptions - Czars - Cash for Clunkers - Census figures - Carney
D is for Debt - Drones - Detroit - DOJ/AP - Double Counting - DEA - Death Panels - Default
E is for EPA - Executive Orders - Escalation
F is for Fast and Furious - Fannie Man/Freddie Mac - Federal Reserve - FEMA - FEC - Foodstamps - "Fix" by Decree - Fort Hood - Fiscal Cliff
G is for General Motors - Gun Control - GSA - Golf - Government Shutdown - Gun running to Syrian rebels and mexican cartels
H is for Holder - - Hillary ("What difference does it make?") - "Hope and Change" - Horses and Bayonets
I is for IRS - Islamic links - Iran "deal" - Iranian Pastor
J is for Job losses - John Brennan
K is for Killing ("I am good at Killing") - Killlist
L is for Lapdog Media - Lies - Libya Attack - Lois Lerner
M is for Medicare - Military Leadership Purge - Middle East policy - Marxist links - Muslim Brotherhood - Mohamed Elibiary - Military Votes
N is for NSA - Nakoula Basseley Nakoula - Navy Seal Deaths - Navigators - NASA cuts - National Mall Illegals March
O is for Open Borders - Obamacare
P is for Post Office - Putin - Pelosi - Pigford - Privacy - Phone Tapping World Leaders
Q is for Question avoidance - QE2 - Oil Spill
R is for Rosengate - Reid - Red Lines - Recess appointments - Rahm Emanuel
S is for Solyndra - Social Security - Syria - Sebielus - Sestak - Spending - 58 States - Sharyl Attkisson - Soros front groups - Susan Rice - Sticker Shock
T is for TSA - Tax Hikes - "Transparency" - Terrorgate - Trayvon Martin - "Typical White Grandmother" - Terry Richardson (Portrait Session)
U is for Unions - Unemployment - Unknown background - Uncle Obama
V is for Vote Rigging - Veteran shutout
W is for Rev Wright - Welfare State - "Workplace Violence"
X is for Xenophobia (fear of christians and American culture)
Y is for Youtube video - "Yes We Can" - Yemen - "You Didn't Build That"
Z is for Zimmerman
What does it take to get fired?