25 October 2012

Leftists, Islamists, and perpetual outrage

Eric Golub
Sept 20, 2012
Most people go through life just living their lives. They wake up, go to work, come home, spend time with their families, and keep on keeping on. They earn what they keep and appreciate their lives. Yet two groups of people go through life in a state of rage. For them, happiness can only be derived by inflicting misery on others.
This is the world of leftists and Islamists.
Whenever these thin-skinned groups are criticized, the inevitable charges come through. The critics are racists, sexists, bigots, homophobes, infidels, blasphemers, and other epithets that lost their meaning years ago.
When those epithets fail, the critics are referred to as "biased." I am an opinion columnist. Of course I am biased. I'm also right. Leftists and Islamists cannot get through a day without savaging the rest of the world.
With Islamists, any criticism of their God or even their religion is a capital offense. Judaism has thrived for thousands of years by being self-critical, sometimes overly so. Radical Islam does not allow any criticism. While this leads to violent behavior that sometimes provides victories in the short run (especially when weak-kneed jellyfish enablers in the West allow it), it proves destructive in the long run. One Jewish state of Israel in the Middle East has made spectacular advances in law, medicine, and technology, while the Muslim nations remain mired in the fourteenth century.
This is how Islamists are able to take an American ambassador and murder him in cold blood. This is how they can burn down American embassies and consulates. This is how they can rape, beat, stone, and hack off heads without the slightest moral concerns. Their behavior is justified because they are "offended."
Americans feed into this psychotic behavior by blaming a "movie." Most people have never seen the movie but heard from somebody they do not know in real life that it was bad.
Could it possibly be that the Islamists were offended to begin with,  and that enablers simply guessed the reason why until they found something that fit their predetermined narrative?
The real reason Islamists are offended is the same reason water is wet: It is a given. They wake up and they are angry.
The same explanation holds for leftists.
Anybody insulting their demigod Barack Obama or his supporters is a blasphemer who must be destroyed. The truthfulness of the critical statements is irrelevant. Merely uttering them is a capital offense. Vigorous debate that could strengthen critics and defenders alike is thrown away. Intellectually rigorous thought is tossed aside in favor of rigid, inflexible, unbending leftist groupthink.
This is how the liberal media is more interested in Mitt Romney blaming failed Obama policies for the death of an American ambassador than they are about the actual death of the American ambassador.
They are more interested in Romney claiming that liberal Obama voters are parasites than the fact that many liberal Obama voters actually are parasites.
Liberals yell at me for pointing out Obama's policies have resulted in colossal failure rather than be angry at him for actually enacting them.
Liberals are more angry at me for pointing out that Sandra Fluke is a drain on society who demands free stuff at my expense than they are at her for doing it.
They are more angry when I point out that Chicago schoolteachers are useless individuals failing to help young children than they are at what actually happens to these children.
Shooting the messenger cannot work forever because the internet has allowed for an explosion of messengers. When leftist Occupy Wall Street protesters or Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists resort to violence, evidence can surface instantaneously. Conversely, when Tea Party attendees are accused of violence, a lack of visual evidence anywhere in this world also speaks volumes.
Leftists and Islamists are able to thrive because other ideologies do not resort to their tactics. They can spread chaos knowing that others will act in an orderly manner.
This is where the "normal" people go wrong. They try to apply social norms and standards to those who lack any boundaries. Most cultures and ideologies see others as human beings in a world filled with differing ways of existing. Leftists and Islamists do not allow, respect, or tolerate dissent. Either conform to the leftist or Islamist supreme leader, or face everything from ostracism and ridicule to literal murder.
The solution is simple. Leftists and Islamists are bullies. The only thing bullies understand is force.
With leftists, it means spending every waking minute pointing out that everything they believe in has failed.
The end of the Chicago teachers' strike means students can now go back to being condemned to a life of misery unless they are lucky enough to get shot or stabbed in school early on. Chicago teachers going on strike is like the French going on strike. How can you tell?
This is before getting to the various collection of activists in the leftist coalition who care more about trees and animals than human beings. The problem is not pointing out the fraud in the environmental and animal rights movements. The problem is that the movements are riddled with fraud and would rather lash out than fix themselves. They want to clean the world but cannot clean their own houses.
Leftists are slowly killing civilization through terrible schools, anti-business policies, worship of trees and animals at the expense of humans, and government handouts from birth until death that rob humans of their last shred of dignity.
Islamists at least act with efficiency, murdering anybody who gets in the way in short order.
The solution for them is much simpler. They need to be obliterated from this Earth, and that is done through the use of munitions.
American society cannot and must not try to get to the "root causes" of why leftists and Islamists are outraged. We cannot surrender faster than one can giggle out the words "French Resistance."
This week France posted cartoons of Mohammed. Islamists screamed. The French acted like themselves and are now in full groveling apolgy mode.
Leftist and Islamist outrage is in perpetuity. It will be within them forever. They are incapable of introspection, and are therefore unwilling to moderate their anger.
Shining a light on them does not work. The only hope for light for the rest of us is by defeating them.



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