7 May 2009

'Eaten Alive': Mice Chew War Vet's Head

Source: Yahoo News

An 89-year-old war veteran has been found covered in blood after mice chewed his head at an Australian nursing home.

The man was discovered in a state of distress at the state government-run nursing home in south west Queensland.

Local MP Ray Hopper likened the situation to the Third World.

"I'm told by the elderly man's daughter that the poor old fellow had been trying to brush the mice away as they continued chewing his ears, head and neck," he said.

"He was so stressed that doctors put him on morphine to calm him down. He nearly died on Saturday night. He was being eaten alive."

The attack came to light when the man's daughter complained to the MP.

Queensland's Health Minister Paul Lucas has apologised to the victim and his family, and offered to relocate other residents of the facility.

The man's daughter said her father was unaware the mice attack took place.

"Because of his age, he's bed-ridden and he has limited communication ability," she said.

The woman told of her disbelief after seeing the injuries on Sunday. "It wasn't just a little nip. It wasn't nice at all," she said.

She added how her family still had complete faith in the nursing home staff, who have had a close relationship with the man during his two years there.

But Australia's Ageing Minister Justine Elliot has ordered an investigation into the procedures and processes at the home in Dalby, 130 miles west of Brisbane.

Karingal Nursing Home, an 80-bed facility with 22 residents over the age of 90, cannot operate without accreditation.

Extra staff and pest control contractors have been called in to deal with the vermin, a Queensland Health spokeswoman said.



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