25 February 2013

Muslims: Takers not makers

By Ian Bell
24th February, 2013

While the government is trying to slash £12 billion annually by targeting the handicapped, elderly and poor amongst our people do they have the will to tackle a group that is highly over represented above anyone else in welfare exploitation and cost to the public purse?

The Daily Telegraph reported in 2012 that 75% of all Muslim women are unemployed while 50% of all Muslim men are unemployed (67.5% total) - a staggering rise from 13% for men and 18% for women in 2004.

Muslims are also on sick leave more than anyone else, with 24% of females and 21% of males claiming a disability.

Muslims are the most likely among all religious groups to be living in accommodation rented from the council or housing association (28%); 4% live rent-free.

As if this is not enough, the total prison population in the UK amongst category A and B criminals (the worst crimes) now stands at 35-39% Muslim.
Britain is not alone: In Belgium the figure is 16% (12.8% Moroccans, 3.1% Turks).

French prisons have between 50% and 70% Muslims whilst in Norway the figure is over 30% and in Spain 70%. Not even Switzerland escapes, with 57.8% Muslims in Champ-Dollon prison alone.

“The connection between criminality and Islamism is very tight in Europe,” said Michael Radu, a terrorism analyst at the Foreign Policy Research Institute.

Since current statistics fail to clarify how many actually collect benefits and whether unemployment figures include those on disability and in prison, only an estimate can be made.

The indications are nevertheless shocking: that out of 5 million Muslims living in Britain (2012 unconfirmed estimate increased the population number from 3 million), roughly 4.25 million Muslims, or more than 85%, live off UK tax payers.

If we average this with a simple, quick calculation of the minimum benefit payment of £67 a week, at least £284,750,000 per week (£1.139 billion per month) is spent from UK taxpayer money on Muslims who barely contribute anything whatsoever to Britain’s revenues.

The calculation is not detailed enough to include housing benefits, childcare support, medical care and other coverage. We can estimate that only in unemployment support, Muslims cost the British government at least £ 13+ billion a year.

A more detailed calculation need to be made when there are clearer records at hand.

At present the government will not publish current, clear and defined numbers and we had to find them through different sources most of it coming from wikileaks.

Some older numbers are inaccurate and highly understated since data has shown that the Muslim population tend to double in less than a decade (in 7 years).

If the same population growth continues in a steady flow, by 2030 Britain will have a 40% Muslim population. Who will be generating the wealth for our economy if we continue to encourage takers instead of makers?



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