25 January 2013

‘Turn ‘Em All In’: Feinstein’s Assault Weapons Ban Grabs Handguns, Shotguns

[ed. Another crusty-faced soviet-style headmistress insisting we will do as we are told...]

Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) seemingly endless pursuit of a ban on “assault rifles” since the Sandy Hook tragedy has now led to the introduction of her “Assault Weapons Ban of 2013“–a bill that not only bans “assault rifles,” but numerous handguns and shotguns too.
Here’s a question: When did handguns and shotguns become “assault rifles”?
They didn’t, but Democrats see this as their big chance to take away as many guns as they can, and they’re not about to pass that chance up.
That this move is as shameless as it is unconstitutional is evident in the fact that the vast majority of the weapons Feinstein seeks to ban were not even used in Sandy Hook, the Clackamas Town Center shooting, or the shooting at the Aurora theater. It is a gun grab, pure and simple.
But as I wrote on Dec. 27, 2012, when details were already leaking about Feinstein’s bill, “If we are foolish enough to embrace a ban on any weapon in the coming Congress, then we are unwittingly embracing a ban on every weapon.”
The truth of this is playing out before us today.
We must hold the feet of Republican Senators and House members to the fire on this one so that they stop Feinstein’s bill in its tracks. In 2014, we need to go to the voting booth with the same vigor we showed in 2010, and turn these gun grabbers out of office.



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