23 January 2013
There will be more Hispanics than whites in California by the end of 2013.
by Tony Lee
22 Jan 2013
According to figures revealed in California Gov. Jerry Brown's 2013-14 budget proposal, the number of Hispanics will be equal to the number of whites by July of this year--39% of Californians will be Hispanic and 39% will be white then. By the end of the year, the number of Hispanics will outnumber whites.
In addition, the report found that 80% of Hispanics in California are younger than 50, compared to only 73 percent of whites. The report notes that "as many in the non-Hispanic white population retire, they will be replaced by a more diverse workforce.” Hispanics made up 12 percent of the electorate in 1998. In 2012, though, they represented 20% of the electorate.
Political analysts in California believe that unless Republicans win more of the Hispanic vote, it will be "almost impossible" for the GOP to gain a majority in the state. In 2012, nearly 72% of Hispanics in California voted to reelect President Barack Obama.
[ed. Years and years of an open borders policy, even by 'conservatives' like Bush, have produced this. I don't know how immigration is not one of they key election issues, all over the western world....]