Exclusive: How We Can Stop Obama.
December 4, 2012
We have only taken the first step in the actual election process constitutionally mandated to select our next President. The two steps that follow, I believe, will determine the future course of this nation and, perhaps, the very survival of the Constitutional principles on which it was founded.
On November 6th,we voted to establish the actual slates of Electors that are to be entrusted with the responsibility of electing the next President. The next step is for those Electors to gather in the various state capitals on December 17th to cast their ballots. Those ballots are then tallied in the states and forwarded to the President of the Senate and to the National Archivist for confirmation of the final tally by both Houses of the Congress on January 7th.
There are three classes of Electors so charged. Of the total of 538, the breakdown is as follows:
- Those designated by popular vote on Democrat slates (332)
- Those designated by popular vote on “dedicated” Republican slates (72)
- Those designated by popular vote on “unfettered” Republican slates (134)
Why is this important? Because through that process, all 134 Republican Electors must be deemed to have “Standing” to demand certifiable evidence of Mr. Obama’s qualifications, as specified under Article 2 of the Constitution, to be deemed a “Natural Born Citizen.“
As we know, Mr. Obama fails to attain to that standard by virtue of his own admission that his birth father was a British Subject.
We the People need now to produce a flood of mail to alert each of these 134 Republican Electors that they have the “Standing” and the responsibility to demand that this question be resolved so that they can make an informed decision before they cast their ballots.
These Electors need to immediately notify their respective Governor and Secretary of State that they require this information prior to December 17th or that they will not be able to properly discharge their Constitutional responsibility.
The following are the “unfettered” states carried by Republican Electors who are not required by law or by pledge to cast ballots for the Republican candidate:
Arizona North Dakota
Arkansas South Dakota
Georgia Tennessee
Indiana Texas
Kansas Utah
Louisiana West Virginia
To accomplish this goal of personally notifying all of them, it is suggested that each of us contact the Electors in our home state and at least one other state. The individual Electors’ mail addresses are available through their respective Secretaries of States’ offices.
Once the Electoral College process is impacted by these requirements, it is likely that the courts will be required to hear the full evidence (or, more realistically, the lack thereof) concerning Mr. Obama’s eligibility. The likely outcome of his failing to qualify will throw the election into the House of Representatives, where each state delegation is given one vote.
At the present time, majorities in those delegations are held by Republicans in 32 states and by Democrats in 17 states. Minnesota is a toss-up. Therefore, the likely result of such a vote in the House will be that a Republican will be declared President.
Finally, as a backstop against the possibility that Mr. Obama’s candidacy somehow survives an Electoral College challenge, there are two more critical steps for us to take at this time:
1. Concurrently with our mail campaign to the Electoral College, it is important that we also contact all Republican Representatives and Senators to inform them that we are counting on them to “object” if and/or when the President of the Senate calls for confirmation of an Electoral College “tally” designating Barack Obama as President-elect. If as few as one Representative and one Senator stand to request certification of the candidate’s eligibility, the whole process must stop until a full and final determination is made.
2. Also, the 332 Electors representing the states carried by Democrats need to be put on notice that they will be failing to uphold their Constitutional responsibility if they vote for an ineligible and therefore unqualified candidate. There has already been a case filed in New York State (Strunk) asserting that possibility.
The only way for us not to win this fight is for good people to lose courage. Let’s lock arms, pray, and go to work to revive the Constitutional standards for which so many of our forefathers have fought and died. The wisdom of the founding document that has prospered and strengthened this nation will once again sustain us if we will take action and hold fast to its terms. God bless America!!