21 November 2012

Who will wear the Benghazi death shroud?

The death of the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans in Benghazi on Sept. 11 of this year -- and the subsequent cover-up of the circumstances -- tightens around the Obama White House.
The more detail that dribbles out, the more it looks like the Benghazi death shroud fits President Barack Obama.
The news today that the White House refuses to release photos and details of that night in Benghazi -- the same information the White House gleefully released of the night Osama bin Laden was killed -- only serves to draw more suspicion to what the White House is hiding.
But the news yesterday that Intel chief James Clapper was set to take the blame for editing out the terrorism angle in the talking points for the Obama Administration makes for an iron-clad case of damnation on the matter against the White House.
It was no less than the president himself who told us in the debates that he recognized it as "terror" the morning after Benghazi. Yet, he sent out his spokesman, the U.N. Ambassador and himself to lie about it because Clapper edited out al-Qaeda? That makes no sense, except in a Watergate sort of way.
How can the president and the former CIA director tell us that they immediately knew for an absolute fact that Benghazi was the work of al-Qaeda terrorists, then proceed for days to tell the world that it was the result of a riot over a film -- a "riot" that never occurred.
A president desiring to be straight with the nation would never have allowed that kind of lie to go forward. Yet, it is circumstantially clear that he did. The point is now what are we going to do about it? What is the media going to do about it? Shrug it off, or root out the infection and expose the lie no matter how much it hurts?
The comparison to Watergate is an apt comparison, as the Investor's Business Daily recently asserted.
"The whole underlying purpose of the 1972 attempted bugging of the Democratic National Committee headquarters was to get President Nixon re-elected. The whole underlying purpose of lying about the killing of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, foreign service officer Sean Smith, and ex-Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, was to get President Obama re-elected."
The nation deserves the real, unvarnished answer.



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