November 18, 2012
There are a number of words we can use to describe Republicans. However in the last few years, the word courage has not been associated with many Republicans. Courage is the one quality Republicans need right now to save themselves as a Party, to save America and potentially stop a second Obama term.
How can they do any of these things, including preventing the reelection of Barack Obama?
Conservatives are warning the GOP. It must show courage. It must stop being John Boehner’s Democrat-lite, party of surrender. Newt Gingrich warned Republicans about this in a recent article in Newsmax. Gingrich warned Republicans in Washington that they should not be going along with Barack Obama and agreeing to raise taxes. David Bossie of Citizens United made the same warning in an interview, also with Newsmax.
Both are right. Both are men the GOP should listen to.
The GOP should listen to them and millions of other conservatives. First, these conservatives are right on policy. Abandoning conservatism will be a disaster for this nation and for the Republican Party. If the GOP gives up on conservatism, conservatives are going to give up on the GOP.
If the Republicans abandon conservatism in favor of “moderate” politics, led by people like Mitt Romney who cannot even articulate a message, the GOP is doomed.
Republicans are going to have to show courage in the next few months, as they must do everything possible to stop the Obama agenda. The Obama propaganda media and the Regime will pillory them mercilessly.
Of course, there is another way out. It is still possible to block a second Obama term.
Most people believe Barack Obama was reelected on November 6th. That is not true. We had a national election on November 6th but people voted for the Electors for the Electoral College, not the President.
The Electoral College will meet on December 17th to officially select the President.
The Democrats pioneered a tactic that Republicans should use. In recent years, in Wisconsin and in Texas, Democrats who were in the minority in the state legislatures refused to participate in the process, thus denying the legislature a quorum needed.
The 12th Amendment specifics the quorum or the necessary number of states for the College to act, is 2/3. In other words, if 17 states refuse to participate, the Electoral College does not have a quorum. If the Electoral College cannot meet or decide who wins the Presidency, then that task devolves to the House of Representatives.
With Republicans in control of the House of Representatives, presumably they will vote for Mitt Romney. The Vice President would be selected by the Senate, so presumably Joe Biden will be reelected, although as goofy as he has been the last few months, there is no telling.
Is this a dangerous precedent?
Absolutely. Could it come back to haunt us later down the road?
However, the situation is so grim we really have no other choice. Does anyone really believe America can survive four more years of Barack Obama? What will America look like in four years? Obama will be hell bent in the next four years to transform America from that shining city on a hill into a third world shantytown, with massive unemployment and a corrupt government.
How do we do this?
We need to contact the Republican Party in the states that Mitt Romney carried. We must get the electors in those states to refuse to participate in the Electoral College on December 17th.
I am under no illusions that Mitt Romney will be a great President. Based on the collapse of his campaign and his actions after the election, he will be pretty bad. However, he is not Barack Obama and that is the best thing that can be said about him.
The alternative of a second Obama term is simply unacceptable. This is our last, and only hope. Will Republicans show courage or will they be the Party of the White Flag of Surrender?
For America and for future generations, let’s hope the Republican Party can be courageous.