23 April 2012

What is "Far-Right"?

by BritishJohn08

Far right is a very poor term to describe the many different fascist or
fascism-lite political entities that exist. First of all, most of these so
called "far-right" parties do not hold classical, right-wing, free market,
libertarian, laissez-faire views on economic matters. Most of these parties,
such as the BNP, believe in nationalized industries and very socialist forms
of controls on economic activity. The only areas where there appears to be
agreement with the right wing is on immigration and issues of patriotism and
cultural traditions. Anyone who knows anything about history will know that
fascism was described as the third way, in that it is different from both
capitalism and liberalism, as supported by the right, and communism and
socialism as supported by the left. These parties are best described as
fascist, not far-right. Ideally the simple labels of left and right would
simply be replaced entirely by more sophisticated descriptions of political
parties. Both left and right are not homogeneous positions.

The best way to describe parties is to consider their positions based upon
the two opposing ideas: one being anarchy the other being total control. I
personally think of anarchy as being absolute freedom and total control as
being absolute tyranny. Now, both extreme ends of the scale have their
problems so most parties tend to inhabit somewhere in between the two.

The majority of political parties fall in the middle. Conservatives and
Republicans tend to want a more free economy but often want more social
controls and greater military interventionism. Liberals tend to want less
social control but will often go along with the socialists and want greater
economic controls. Socialists seem to want to control both the economy and
morality. Fascists are similar to socialists in that they want to control
things but they differ on the policy. Whereas socialist tend to be about
equality, one human brotherhood, power of the worker, etc, the fascist takes
a more nationalistic ideology and is more concerned about the race, the
nation and the state. Make no mistake, the Nazis were National SOCIALISTS. I
happen to support libertarianism, freedom on everything, both economic
matters and civil liberties.

What is the difference between fascism and communism? The deranged reasoning
and desired outcomes behind their tyrannical policies.

As for the UK, I think it is much more likely that if the British people were
to look to a forth party to move up to challenge the main three, I think UKIP
would be the most likely candidate. UKIP are the closest thing to a
libertarian party which Britain has. Ultimately the BNP is just old Labour
with a nationalistic foreign and immigration policy.

[ed. Good post from a forum I found on my travels, very worthy of a reprint here...it is high time the term "far-right" was used properly in political discourse and that an endlessly critical spotlight was shone on the "far-left". In other words those responsible for the slaughter of millions around the world yesterday and a clear and present threat to our society today...]



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