21 March 2012

When a jihadist acts like a Nazi, the Left should wake up

The Left was so keen to blame the horrific shootings of Jewish children and soldiers in France on the (white) Right that The Age yesterday even ran this opinion piece:
Nicolas Sarkozy has lurched his party wildly to the right in an attempt to save his skin, claiming there were ‘’too many immigrants in France’’ and stoking Islamophobia ...

In Toulouse we have been given a horrific illustration of where such a delirious cynicism can lead.

All of those who have been shot or killed in and around the city in the past 10 days have had one thing in common. They are from visible minorities…

Police are a long way from understanding what was going through the head of someone who could catch a little girl by the hair so he wouldn’t have to waste a second bullet on her. But some things are already becoming clear. He shouted no jihadist or anti-Semitic slogans...
In fact, the suspected killer turns out to be indeed a jihadist, Mohammed Merah, reportedly born in Algeria.

A question then for those who here again tried so hard to avoid making the obvious assumption about these killings, blaming the Right and neo-Nazis instead.

When yet another jihadist turns out to have done what you assumed and hoped had been done by a neo-Nazi instead, why not damn jihadism and you’d damn Nazism?

When the crimes of a jihadist and a Nazi are indistinguishable, why defend either?

But let me guess. When a neo-Nazi kills Jewish children, that’s the fault of hate-mongering Right-wing politicians. But when a jihadist kills Jewish children, it’s the fault of hate-mongering ... Right-wing politicians. Wait and see if I’m right.

Mike McNally:

The news that the killer is not just a Muslim but a veteran jihadist will prove hard to swallow for sections of the liberal media both in Europe and the U.S., which had been playing down the possibility of an Islamist connection, and pushing the theory that the gunman was a “far-right” (the media’s term, not mine) extremist in the mold of the Norwegian mass-shooter Anders Breivik....

Large sections of the media got this one spectacularly wrong, but don’t expect them to acknowledge that fact. Instead, look for them to move move seamlessly from the “far-right extremist” theme to asking what could have provoked Merah (post-traumatic shock brought on from his experiences in Afghanistan perhaps?).



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