6 December 2013


The Obama administration is an alphabet soup of disaster, scandal, stupidity, corruption and meglomania.

# is for 1-2-3 technologies
A is for Acorn - Amnesty - Agenda 21 - ATF - AKPD - Abound Solar - "Al Qaeda on the run" - Afghanistan (73% casualties under Obama)
B is for Benghazi - Black Panthers - Black List - Budgets - Blagovich - Birth Certificate Secrecy - Bin Laden Death - Bowing to foreign HoS - Bill Ayers
C is for Candy Crowley - Climate Change Exec Order - Community Organizer - CAIR - Common Core - Congressional Exemptions - Czars - Cash for Clunkers - Census figures - Carney
D is for Debt - Drones - Detroit - DOJ/AP - Double Counting - DEA - Death Panels - Default
E is for EPA - Executive Orders - Escalation
F is for Fast and Furious - Fannie Man/Freddie Mac - Federal Reserve - FEMA - FEC - Foodstamps - "Fix" by Decree - Fort Hood - Fiscal Cliff
G is for General Motors - Gun Control - GSA - Golf - Government Shutdown - Gun running to Syrian rebels and mexican cartels
H is for Holder - Healthcare.gov - Hillary ("What difference does it make?") - "Hope and Change" - Horses and Bayonets
I is for IRS - Islamic links - Iran "deal" - Iranian Pastor
J is for Job losses - John Brennan
K is for Killing ("I am good at Killing") - Killlist
L is for Lapdog Media - Lies - Libya Attack - Lois Lerner
M is for Medicare - Military Leadership Purge - Middle East policy - Marxist links - Muslim Brotherhood - Mohamed Elibiary - Military Votes
N is for NSA - Nakoula Basseley Nakoula - Navy Seal Deaths - Navigators - NASA cuts - National Mall Illegals March
O is for Open Borders - Obamacare
P is for Post Office - Putin - Pelosi - Pigford - Privacy - Phone Tapping World Leaders
Q is for Question avoidance - QE2 - Oil Spill
R is for Rosengate - Reid - Red Lines - Recess appointments - Rahm Emanuel
S is for Solyndra - Social Security - Syria - Sebielus - Sestak - Spending - 58 States - Sharyl Attkisson - Soros front groups - Susan Rice - Sticker Shock
T is for TSA - Tax Hikes - "Transparency" - Terrorgate - Trayvon Martin - "Typical White Grandmother" - Terry Richardson (Portrait Session)
U is for Unions - Unemployment - Unknown background - Uncle Obama
V is for Vote Rigging - Veteran shutout
W is for Rev Wright - Welfare State - "Workplace Violence"
X is for Xenophobia (fear of christians and American culture)
Y is for Youtube video - "Yes We Can" - Yemen - "You Didn't Build That"
Z is for Zimmerman

What does it take to get fired?



The Puppet Master

The Puppet Master


Michelle Obama

Miss you George! But not that much.



Blatter's Football Circus

Mr Charisma Vladimir Putin

Putin shows us his tender side.

Obama discusses the election

Obama arrested

Obama arrested
Or ought to be...

Cameron Acknowledges his base

Be Very Careful

Beatrice announces her summer plans.
