8 November 2012

Oh America! What have you done? PT2


by Jimnasium
8th November, 2012

I was hoping to write an article today about the defeat of President Barack Obama. Sadly it is not to be as voters returned him back to the White House. But the question on many people's lips at the moment is, HOW did this happen? No doubt, plenty of column inches will be devoted to this very question in the coming days and months and I'd like to add my voice to this.

I've been involved with politics, in one way or another, for a while now and in that time causes i've supported have won a few elections and lost a few elections. None of those defeats make me as sick to my stomach and as fearful as the 2012 edition of the United States presidential election. This wasn't just an election defeat, it was a travesty.

A time of economic stagnation which see many losing their jobs in record unemployment and where there is a $16 trillion debt hanging over the heads of every American, a component of which is that $218,000 is owed per person under 18, should have been more than enough to see off Obama. After all, better politicians have been skewered by better news.

It was not enough for many Americans that Obama kept his history a mystery either. His birth certificate, indeed all documents which would shed light on his life, including his college details, are under lock and key despite the best efforts of people to try to force Obama to show them. Questions over his Connecticut social security number remain up in the air. Even Trump offering $5 million to Obama to unlock these records proved futile.

The scandal and maladministration that has dogged Obama from the start of his first term to the finish; Acorn, Solyndra, Fast and Furious, NDAA, TSA (the list goes on and on) couldn't shift the voters attitudes either. Indeed, they seem accepting of scandal now.  Neither were links to George Soros, and his manifold innocent sounding but dubious organisations, were enough to frighten the public about the real agenda at play.

His overt big government socialist agenda was not enough to scare a sufficient amount of  people, who valued their freedom and individuality, into voting him out. The lure of government "free stuff" it seems was too strong.  But there is warning here in that if you vote for socialism/marxism you better be pretty sure it is what you want because, as many countries can attest, it is very difficult and painful to reverse course once established. People inevitably see the government that takes that 'free stuff' away from them as being puritanical and mean.

Moreover Obama has made it clear he has a pro-Islamic view of the world, he has said as much himself. This is also evident in shameful dealings with Israel who, whilst perhaps not being everyone's favourite country, is nonetheless strongly in the mould of a western democracy, light years ahead of its theocratic neighbours. Additionally if people think Obama is going to prevent the United States from getting into wars, as they complained about with Bush, then they are sadly mistaken. He has his globalist masters to follow as well.

It was not enough that his running mate Joe Biden, had shown signs of dementia all campaign stumbling and bumbling over his words and forgetting names and places. People weren't sufficiently warned by this to realise this man is the next in line should anything happen to Obama. Biden is ultimate proof that anyone can be Vice President and that careful selection is not necessary to win the White House.

The saying "a week is a long time in politics" was clearly evident first during the Benghazi scandal and then Hurricane Sandy. Before the hurricane, Romney had upward momentum however the media, shamefully, did their level best to ignore this important issue completely, becoming in the process lapdogs and not watchdogs. Once Hurricane Sandy struck Obama had the distraction he desperately needed.  Obama was able to demonstrate his "caring" side in photo-ops and therefore win over enough of the fickle public, indeed the states hardest hit by the storm went to Obama. Even when a bloated, bureaucratic, over-funded nightmare like FEMA failed to provide food and water as per its remit, the political damage was done, America didn't care. Romney was right to ask for a review of this organisation but he was hammered for that position by the media.

Well documented reports of election shenanigans, bordering on outright fraud, from Obama murals  in polling stations to ballots being changed on machines from Romney to Obama and Republican polling officers thrown out of polling stations by Democrat election judges, lost military ballots in a plane crash, the Obama administration suing Ohio to ensure that the military could not vote early, 141% voter turnout in St Lucie, Florida and 99% votes cast for Obama in Philadelphia and some parts of Ohio, add more than a touch of sham to the whole result. When bearing in mind that the leftist mantra is "by whatever means necessary" we see that fraud is not such a far-fetched idea.

Curiously, there seems to be appetite by the Romney camp, just as there wasn't with McCain before him, to challenge the veracity of these results. A campaign should be throwing all resources to pubically and legally investigate the multitude of anomalies present to make sure everything is as it should be and only then officially conceede defeat. Otherwise, if a nation is happy to accept voter fraud, whoever does it, and lets the result stand then the electoral process becomes worse than meaningless, no better than elections run by Saddam Hussein or Mugabe who we have denounced so readily in the past.

A further look at polling problems can be see here:

Another reason Obama won has been touched on by conservative commentators elsewhere but is an issue that gets no play in the "mainstream" media, for reasons noted above, and neither does it get aired on the campaign trail. That is immigration.  America, and indeed the rest of the West, is changing demographically thanks to the nightmare of multiculturalism. Although figures on election night suggest that whites make up somewhere around 77% of the population they are badly fragmented and vote on party lines, not ethnic lines.  Hispanics and blacks on the other hand make up growing voting blocks which do vote on ethnic lines and they vote overwhelmingly Democrat Party (or should that be Demographic Party?). This situation is only getting worse hence the confidence many minority leaders have when expressing their anti-white racism without sanction and why we have groups like the black congressional caucus.

So where do we lay the blame for this? I am sorry but the average voter is very much to blame. With a limited attention span they are easily distracted, ill-informed and show a desperate inability to "fart and chew gum at the same time".  They stumble into the polls with bumper sticker notions of what the candidates say, if they bother to go at all.  Last time round it was the vague "Hope and Change" which saw Obama score an historic victory, this time it was the obviously Communistic "Forward" but people didn't have a clue what it actually meant. The old adage of "hiding in plain sight" has been evident once again. There is an ever increasing section of society who are on the government payroll and these people will not vote against their own self-interest. The next four years will see an even greater expansion of this section of people, further entrenching the 'progressives'.

Given all this the Republican Party faces an uphill battle to win the White House but it is not about the party. Political parties come and go and it is entirely conceivable that they put up a more 'progressive' candidate and sweep to office in 2016, or achieve a great result in midterm elections, these things happen. It is all part of the establishment game played on us every couple of years. The real question is in what state will the United States be in once Obama is finished with it? Will it embrace the european socialism, itself groaning under the weight of its contradictions? Or will it maintain the traditional direction where free enterprise, hard work, entrepreneurial spirit, freedom and independence are encouraged and admired? 

Even with Romney's record when Governor of Massachusetts, conservatives did not, and will never, confer god-like status on one man, as the left have done with Obama. Romney may have been a good President, maybe not, but even at his best Romney was not going to single-handedly turn the country around and right all the wrongs. This is because of a fundamental tenet of conservatism which is expressed in the words of Ronald Reagan "government is not the solution to the problem, government IS the problem". In other words, the solutions come from the people themselves.

After the election Romney talked about "ending partisan bickering". This is clearly an insult to anyone who considers politics and the direction of the country a bit more important than a superbowl contest to shrug off and say "better luck next year". There is a war on and our freedom is at stake.

Let's roll our sleeves up and take the country back.




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