28 October 2012

You can never have free immigration and a welfare state

Leo McKinstry
28th October, 2012

THE welfare state was meant to be an expression of social solidarity between British citizens. But now that uplifting ideal is being torn apart by mass immigration.
As our nationhood collapses, British taxpayers are increasingly forced to subsidise people who have no real connection with our society beyond an eagerness to exploit our lax social security system.

Welfare was supposed to protect the poor and the vulnerable. But it is fast becoming a bottomless money pit for foreign scroungers and opportunists.

The growing abuse of the British public was illustrated this week by the release of new figures which show that a staggering £36.6million is paid in child benefit to families whose offspring do not even live in Britain.

According to the Treasury, European migrants living or working in Britain are claiming this cash support for 40,000 youngsters based abroad. The vast majority of the claimants were from Eastern Europe, especially Poland.

The idea that we have any duty to underwrite the lifestyles of foreigners is complete madness. Our obligations are towards our fellow citizens, not to children in Warsaw.

What makes this scheme all the more offensive is that the Government is about to cut child benefit for more affluent British taxpayers earning over £50,000 while individuals earning more than £60,000 will lose the bene- fit altogether from next year.

There is also a spectacular unfairness in slashing child benefit for more than one million Britons while keeping the same benefit in place for Europeans.

SADLY this is part of a pattern of contempt for the British people. Jobholders find their living standards squeezed and taxes driven up yet at the same time a fortune is squandered on benefits for the foreigners who continue to flood into this country.

Contrary to all the fashionable official claims about the dynamic boost given to Britain by mass immigration, at least 370,000 migrants here are receiving out-of-work benefits such as the jobseekers' allowance, costing the taxpayer an estimated £2.1billion.

Similarly, the £22billion housing benefits system acts as an expensive gravy train for migrants. Its excesses are symbolised by the large number of cases where foreigners are provided with luxurious, publicly funded accommodation far beyond the dreams of nearly all British mortgage-holders.

A classic example was that of Manal Mahmoud, a Palestinian mother of seven who came to Britain in 2000. Though she has never had a job here she was recently given a £1.25million townhouse in west London, which had been renovated at a cost of £76,000. Showing not a hint of gratitude she and her family appeared to wreck the house.

The same nauseating sense of entitlement was show earlier this year by unemployed Romanian Big Issue seller Firuta Vasile who, not content with the £25,000 in social security she received from the public purse, fought a legal battle to have the rent on her Bristol home met by housing benefit.

Inevitably she won her case. It is no wonder that the bill for the welfare state is now completely unaffordable at £220billion a year, almost a third of all Government spending.

Through cases like Firuta Vasile's, the message has gone out that Britain feels it owes the rest of the world a living.

But the cocktail of immigration, the eU and welfare is not just lethal in financial terms. It also has other dire consequences for our nation.

One disastrous outcome is that it dramatically undermines public faith in the bene- fits system. The concept of reciprocity was at the heart of the modern welfare state when it was created in the Forties.

Payments in hard times were meant to be based on contributions made through taxes and national insurance. "The plan is not one for giving to everybody something for nothing and without trouble," said the scheme's creator Sir William Beveridge.

But that is exactly what is happening today. The "something for nothing" culture is epitomised by the handouts and subsidised homes dished out to new migrants who have made no contribution to Britain.

Quite rightly, this injustice breeds severe resentment from Britons who may receive nothing from the Government but have to fund the whole racket through their taxes.

Another problem is that the profligate generosity of the welfare system acts as a magnet for huge numbers of migrant families. left-wingers often claim that all arrivals "come here to work" but that is just deceitful propaganda.

In fact, welfare dependency is higher among many migrant communities than in the indigenous population; 90 per cent of Somalians, for instance, live in taxpayer-funded housing. We are trapped in a vicious downward spiral. Soaring immigration, running at 600,000 arrivals a year, is fuelling the gargantuan costs of welfare.

As the economist Milton Friedman once said: "It is obvious that you cannot have free immigration and a welfare state. It really is an impossible thing." What we must do is to break the cycle.

So far the Government has taken a few timid steps, such as the cap on housing benefit. But we need much more radical action if we are to rebuild Britain.

That means a temporary freeze on immigration to sort out our borders, a withdrawal from the eU and severe restrictions on the social security that can be claimed by foreigners.

Immigration has long been presented by its cheerleaders as an engine of growth. In truth it has been a terrible drain on our economy.



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