19 September 2012
The leader of the Islam-critical PRO movement, the Leverkusen lawyer
Markus Beisicht, is also mentioned by name in the death list announced
today by an Arab imam. The so-called fatwa was pronounced against the
makers of the Mohammed video - and against everyone who supports the
further dissemination of the video. In Germany, in the view of Arab
Islamists, this group of persons apparently includes the PRO leader
Markus Beisicht. Beisicht is listed in the bloodthirsty document along
with his name, address, email and telephone details. All young Muslims
in the USA and Europe are called on to murder the people named in the
Markus Beisicht:
"The police state protection service informed me yesterday about this
new development. It is horrifying the brutality with which Islamic
extremists from the other end of the world want to prescribe what we
Germans, Europeans and Americans can or can't say," said Beisicht in his
first public statement on the matter. "This is a general attack on our
values and sovereignty. Freedom of opinion and democracy must not be
sacrificed to the totalitarian power claims of a medieval ideology. In
any case we will not weaken and will vigorously continue our political
struggle against islamisation and foreign infiltration!".