by Mychal Massie
5th June, 2012
Barack Obama has said and done many condemnable anti-American and anti-military things, even since he has been in the White House. But, short of his advocating the wholesale slaughter of unborn children, nothing comes remotely close to what he did to the veterans of Vietnam on Memorial Day at The Wall – the Vietnam Memorial.
For reasons we can only suspect, he, with forethought and malicious intent, closed the Memorial to veterans, families and friends on Memorial Day. Some of those shut out of the Memorial had traveled at great personal expense for the opportunity to pay their annual respects to family members, friends, neighbors and fellow servicemen whose names are inscribed on The Wall.
I have friends who served in Vietnam, who, along with many other veterans, traveled great distances to pay their respects to those they served with and their fellow countrymen who gave their lives. Many of those who traveled to The Wall on Memorial Day bear the living scars of their service in that horrific war. They gave the very best they had to keep Southeast Asia from becoming the very thing Obama is doing his best to turn America into – a Marxist-Leninist state.
This is the person whose wife is on record saying that she had no pride in America until her husband ran for president. This is the person who not only refused to place his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance, but also refused to say the Pledge. This is the person who demands all religious symbols be covered or removed when he is speaking at Jesuit and Catholic Universities. This is the person who called his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, his “mentor and closest adviser, second only to his wife” – a pastor who said “G-d damn America.” And this is the person who, for the sake of his own aggrandizement, closed one of the most important monuments in America, preventing thousands of veterans and Americans from honoring our fallen heroes.
This is the person who, along with his wife and “comrades,” has shown nothing but contempt, disrespect and disregard (except when it benefits him not to) for our military and those who have served – his entire life. This is the person who earlier this year proposed cuts to the health benefits of military families both active-duty and retired, while not touching the extravagant benefits of unionized civil workers.
With his long record of unambiguous hatred for our military, this is the person who closed the Vietnam Memorial from 7:30 a.m. until 2 p.m., denying access to veterans, families and friends who truly care about those inscribed on that Memorial Wall. In the opinion of this columnist, this is one of the most egregious, selfish, self-indulgent acts yet committed by this human being. And he closed it so he could give a 15-minute speech that was nothing more than self-congratulatory agitprop.
Our Vietnam veterans are the most unjustly maligned and disrespected of all veterans. They have been falsely accused, purposefully insulted and spit upon simply because they served their country. And in the wake of that, this wretched human being has spit on them again.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that dissuades me that Obama’s action was spitefully intended to slap those veterans who were there in the face. There was no reason he could not have shared the Memorial with those there. He would have shared it with his rich Hollywood friends, or his rich gangster-rap friends. He gave details of the bin Laden killing to his rich Hollywood friends so they can make untold millions on the celluloid version. And yet he spits in the face of real Americans.
How much more are We the People willing to tolerate from this person and his arrogant wife? At what point will we say enough is enough? We cannot count on the Republicans for help; we cannot even count on them to prosecute Obama and Eric Holder for Fast and Furious. No, we must take things into our own hands and begin replacing these un-American traitors. It is up to us – can you be counted on?