[ed. The following is a forum comment forwarded to me by email. I found it an interesting take on the EU situation...]
Source Unknown
1st May, 2012
In reality the Euro project is following its planned route, events are unfolding in accordance with the architects grand strategy.
The clamour for full and total integration is beginning to be seeded through the MSM, the antidote to the deliberately administered poison is ready and waiting. The beneficial crisis is well under way now, the monetary crash heralds the arrival of the final solution, the only solution on offer from the colleagues. The crisis is doing its job and the MSM is translating it to the masses in the prescribed way. If you think the colleagues are worrying and wringing their hands you are dead wrong, this carefully engineered crash is the moment in history they have planned and waited for all along, they are filled with joy that their scheme is about to bear fruit. If you think you know what the EU is all about think again, its nothing like the fabricated façade on view.
The Euro was deliberately created with inbuilt fundamental flaws, the target regions that were invited in were allowed to fiddle the figures until they met the criteria for joining and the ensuing difficulties were to become staging points on the road to total integration. The misunderstanding of the Euro continues, it was not a "conceit" but a central and vital tool to ensure an eventual crash out of which could arise the greater Europa. This is the reality of the project, the theory that 'great things are only achieved in the face of destruction', that people will only willingly give up their independence and sovereignty when faced with total ruin. The Euro is the vehicle that takes the peoples of Europe into the new prison camp of the greater Europa.
Later this year the heads of the regions will gather in Brussels, in closed session they will appear to agonize and argue in marathon sessions, the MSM will play their part and a dramatic atmosphere will be fabricated and they will eventually appear after many false dawns with a fully constructed and detailed plan for the rescue of Europe which the MSM will duly peddle as the only option, the final solution to the disaster facing Europe, what will not be made known is the detailed plan has been ready and waiting for years. The weakest basket cases economies set up from the beginning to be thrown to the lions as an example to the others of the fate that awaits them if the final solution is not accepted.
The weaker regions will be thrown to the wolves, acceptable losses to gain a more willing core participation, these sacrificial regions thrown to the wolves in order to act as a warning to the other participants of their possible fate should they not hand over all residual power to Brussels. The tragedy is that the likes of Greece fell for the trick like the trusting mugs they proved to be, that they still do not realise that they were set up from the start, encouraged to borrow way beyond their means and end up back in the poverty and squalor they believed they had escaped from. The European project is nothing like its fabricated façade, the kommissars believe that they are about to gain their prize in the form of a new nation state designed by politicians for politicians and nothing will stand in the way of their dream.