This blog intends to be a topical look, time permitting, at what is going in our world. Specifically how the flame of freedom, liberty and privacy is being snuffed out by the massed forces of evil totalitarianism, sometimes blatantly, often covertly. Whatever your political hue, if you believe in freedom, liberty and getting the "government boot" off your throat then we urge you to get the conversation going with your friends, family & colleagues. It is up to us and us alone. We either learn about our freedoms and exercise our freedoms or lose them forever.
Also if you like what you see here please put this blog in your favourites and tell others about it. Feel free to comment, all civilised comments are welcome!
[ed. Some people won't hear a bad word about their messiah Obama, some of those are teachers and bring it to the classroom. Indoctrination before education...]