7 April 2012

Tommy’s Latest Osman Warning


English Defence League
April 6, 2012



You will see from the two images above, for his appearance on theBBC’s ‘Big Question’ programme, he has been rewarded by the Religion of Peace with another death threat.

For those outside of the UKand for those who don’t know what an Osman warning is, we shall briefly explain. An Osman warning is an official warning given by the police authorities to individuals and their families where they,

the police, have creditable evidence of a threat to the life and person involved. It dates back to 1986 when the Osman family were attacked, and the father killed by a man who had become infatuated with the son. The family won a case in the European Court of Human Rights on the basis that the police had a duty of care to people in such situations irrespective if the victim is him/herself a criminal.

There remains one big question to be answered by the Bedfordshire police force. If you note on the second image, it quite clearly states that they know is making the threat. The question that needs to be answered is, why is this person not being arrested?If members of the EDL quietly enjoying a drink after the Remembrance Day ceremonies can be rounded up and questioned merely on the words of an anonymous twitter because the twitter suggested going to St. Paul’s and getting into a fight with the demonstrators there. Remember this is not known intelligence, it’s not definite, just a rumour and the police acted on it, why have they not acted on the information in the Osman warning? Is this not just another case of not upsetting the local Muslims and reinforcing community cohesion? Is this not another example of the two-tier system of policing and law enforcement we are coming to expect from the police and the Establishment?

It is time for the police and the Establishment to make up its mind either enforce the law as it should be applied, to all citizens of the United Kingdom without reference to colour, creed, ethnicity, religious belief or political beliefs. We need the law to be applied to all equally and fairly.




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