11 March 2012


Increasingly the left is in the ascendency. They have got there in the last 40+ years by steadily eroding our society. On issues from homosexual marriage to immigration to abortion to racism to re-writing history entirely. Each step has been accomplished by a very simple strategy - isolation.They want to make you feel as if you are the only person in the world who believes this view (whatever it is) they will mock you, boycott you, harrass you and rob you of your dignity until you quit and sometimes even long afterward. Yet even this can be a useful beacon when deciding if you are on the right path or not.

There are times in the fight when it does feel that you are a lone voice, but you are not. There are literally millions around the world who reject leftist dogma, millions who know full well what it is to suffer under their tyranny and don't want it on their doorstep. There are millions who have have read the history books which highlight the mass slaughter and loss of identity, freedom and individuality that accompanies the left wherever it goes.

They do what they can do to turn things around. Then there are the millions who are the silent majority who also reject leftist dogma. Why are they silent? Mostly because the have been made to feel they are the only ones who have this opinion. Mostly because the media and government don't let their voices be heard. Mostly because they are afraid of the repercussions. Thus the strategy of isolation has served its purpose.

Which are you?

It is not wrong to have a contrary point of view and nobody should be persecuted, or prosecuted, for it, no matter how bizarre or 'irrelevant' or wrong it may or may not be. "Political correctness" and "racism". What are these ridiculous verbal chains that have have been forced upon us?? Only a servile population would allow such concepts to gain as much traction as they have gained, let alone place them on an even keel with freedom of speech.

Always remember though WE ARE NOT ALONE. An educated, well reasoned population not doped up on porn, sports, facebook, celebrity and clever catch phrases like "hope and change" is more than a match for any crackpot tyrants desire to reorganise our society and overwhelm it with third world immigration.

It is time.




The Puppet Master

The Puppet Master


Michelle Obama

Miss you George! But not that much.



Blatter's Football Circus

Mr Charisma Vladimir Putin

Putin shows us his tender side.

Obama discusses the election

Obama arrested

Obama arrested
Or ought to be...

Cameron Acknowledges his base

Be Very Careful

Beatrice announces her summer plans.
